
Preflex Solutions offers comprehensive SonarSource services, including licensed software, expert support, and tailored customization. As an authorized service provider, Preflex ensures seamless integration and optimal performance for your development projects. Leverage SonarSource's powerful code quality and security analysis tools with Preflex's expertise for enhanced software development efficiency and reliability.

Their suite includes static code analysis, code coverage, and continuous inspection tools that issues early, ensuring software quality and security from the start.

01. SonarLint

Clean Code from the start in your IDE

Up your coding game and discover issues early. SonarLint takes linting to another level empowering you to find & fix issues in real time.



Clean As You Code | Real-time feedback

Your IDE is the best place to catch and fix coding issues, even in your AI-assisted code. Like a spell checker, SonarLint squiggles coding issues and enables you to code better by performing on-the-fly analysis to detect common mistakes, tricky bugs, and hotspots.


IN-CONTEXT FIX GUIDANCE | Fix issues quickly

Addressing coding issues is easy when you have help at the place you need it. SonarLint provides contextual assistance on how to fix the issue, why it's a problem, and associated risk, plus detailed rule descriptions and code examples. Quick fixes are also on hand to help resolve the issue fast.


LEARN AND GROW | become a better developer

SonarLint helps developers of all skill levels make better coding decisions. Your mistakes are only visible to you so you can get the knowledge & guidance needed to fix coding issues, uncover best practices, and learn along the way

02. SonarQube

Clean Code for teams and enterprise

Empower development teams with a self-hosted code quality and security solution that deeply integrates into your enterprise environment; enabling you to deploy clean code consistently and reliably.


30+ languages, frameworks & IaC platforms

Analyze the code quality of all the languages in your projects. Patch bugs, close vulnerabilities and follow best practices with a single source of truth. integration with DevOps platforms. Easy project onboarding with integration to GitHub, GitLab, Azure and Bitbucket; in-cloud & on-prem. Plus a Jenkins plugin and easy integration with popular CI tools and build systems.

Clear go/no-go Sonar Quality Gate

Fail pipelines when the code quality doesn’t meet your defined requirements and prevent problems from being merged or deployed.

high operability. Run your instance your way, as a service, on Docker, or with Kubernetes with vertical and horizontal scaling support, plus multi-threaded, server-side processing.

Super-fast analysis

Super-fast analysis gets you actionable Clean Code metrics in minutes instead of hours.

Critical security rules for vital languages

Receive actionable, high-precision feedback at the right place and time. Benefit from 5,000+ coding rules and industry-leading taint analysis of Java, C#, PHP, Python, TypeScript & JavaScript.

Shared, unified configurations

Align your team with a consistent definition of code health. Collaborate efficiently in making your code clean and meeting your team's code quality expectations.

Sonarlint IDE integration

Add the SonarLint extension to your favorite IDE and find code issues on the fly. SonarQube rules and analysis settings synchronize to SonarLint, aligning teamsa

03. SonarCloud

Clean Code in your cloud workflow

Enable your team to deliver clean code consistently and efficiently with a code review tool that easily integrates into the cloud DevOps platforms and extend your CI/CD workflow.


Dozens of languages, frameworks & IaC platforms

Protect your software assets - embedded, web, mobile apps, cloud native apps, SonarCloud covers all major programming languages.

Automatic analysis

No extra configuration is required for most languages to receive the results of the first analysis. You can start improving your code right away.

Native integration with DevOps platforms.

Extend your DevOps platform experience with automated code checks and import your project in minutes. Works with GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud, Azure DevOps and GitLab.

Clear go/no-go Sonar Quality Gate

Fail pipelines when the code quality doesn’t meet your defined requirements and prevent problems from being merged or deployed.

Super-fast analysis.

Immediate feedback helps you quickly assess where the code stands in pull requests and branches. Remediate issues while the code is still fresh in your mind.

Actionable, highly precise results

Receive clear reports at the right place and time. Maximize your impact with high precision analysis that helps you focus on real issues, less on false positives.

Shared, unified configurations

Align your team with a consistent definition of code health. Collaborate efficiently in making your code clean and meeting your team's code quality expectations.

SonarLint IDE integration

Add the SonarLint extension to your favorite IDE and find code issues on the fly. SonarCloud rules and analysis settings synchronize to SonarLint, aligning teams around a single standard of Clean Code.

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