Intelligent coding assistance 01
Easy start
It's surprisingly easy to start your CMake-based project in CLion, and files can be added to the project in one click. If you use a different type of project, the IDE will help you import to Make.
Smart Editor
With an IDE that analyzes the context and understands your project, you can code faster than you think. Try smart completion, formatting and helpful views with code insight.
Navigation & Search
Find your way through the code with instant navigation to a symbol, class or file. Inspect the calls or types hierarchy and easily search everywhere for nearly everything (including IDE settings).
Code generation & Refactorings
Save time on unnecessary typing while CLion generates code for you: from getters/setters to more complicated templates. Use refactorings to improve and clean up your code at the speed of
Built-in tools & integrations02
CLion is more than just an editor as it offers intelligent CMake support, a powerful debugger to investigate and solve problems with ease, built-in Google Test for unit testing, many popular VCS supported out of the box and more.
Many languages - one IDE03
While CLion is designed for developing in C and C++, it also provides essential support for CMake language, many web technologies (like JavaScript, XML, HTML and others), YAML, and others, available via bundled or repository plugins.